4, fevereiro 2021
CHROMOENDOSCOPY Nowadays there is a great advance in diagnostic techniques in Gastroenterology. Among them, Chromoendoscopy stands out, a technique that consists in the application of dyes on the digestive mucosa to facilitate and improve the quality of diagnosis, and the staining of the mucosa also allows to visualize it in a more evident way, […]
Leia mais20, outubro 2020
Renylab Cytological Dyes
Renylab’s Papanicolaou dyes manufactured with high quality raw materials, resulting in a clear and harmonic coloring. The Papanicolaou test, also known as Oncotic Colpocytology and Cervical Cytology, aims to perform the early diagnosis of lesions or cytological changes that can cause cervical cancer, being the main strategy for the early detection of these changes. […]
Leia mais19, agosto 2020
Rapid tests and COVID-19
At a time when the new coronavirus pandemic continues to advance in Brazil and in the world, the need for massive tests to detect the disease and to know the true number of infected people is growing. An accurate and correct diagnosis is essential to propose any measure related to the prevention and prognosis of […]
Leia mais19, agosto 2020
RenyLab promotes mass employee testing.
RenyLab In Vitro Diagnostics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of Barbacena-MG, carried out massive tests of its employees for Covid-19 between 07 and 08 July 2020. The test was carried out through rapid serological tests, with the aim of prioritizing the well-being and safety of employees, as well as contributing to the control of pandemic rates […]
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19, agosto 2020
DENGUE: Determination of anti-virus IgG / IgM by immunochromatographic method.
Dengue is a disease caused by an arbovirus that has four antigenically distinct serotypes: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4. Currently in Brazil circulate the four serotypes that intersect in the occurrence of epidemics, which are generally associated with the introduction of new serotypes in previously unreached areas or alteration of the predominant serotype. Dengue virus […]
Leia mais19, agosto 2020
RenyLab is determined to contribute and support its clients and partners in this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to share with you an article on gastrointestinal endoscopy (GIE) on the impact of coronavirus on endoscopic procedures. In this article you will find recommendations with a specific focus on personal protection and […]
Leia mais3, março 2020
What is coronavirus? Coronavirus (ICD10) is a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. The new coronavirus agent was discovered on the 31th December 2019 after cases registered in China. It causes the disease called coronavirus (COVID-19). Most people are infected with common coronaviruses throughout their lives, with young children being more likely to become […]
Leia mais5, fevereiro 2020
What is sepsis, the disease that kills the most in the world?
According to a study by 24 researchers from universities in six countries based on medical records from 195 nations, 11 million people die every year from septicemia, more than cancer. The researchers state that numbers are “alarming” because they doubled from previous estimates. Most cases occur in low or middle income countries, but more and […]
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15, janeiro 2020
What is the biggest cause of gastrointestinal infections?
Campylobacter is considered the most common bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis. It is one of the four major causes of diarrhea in the world, making it of great socioeconomic importance. What is Campylobacter? Campylobacter is a genus composed of zoonotic bacteria, with bacillary shape, which causes campylobacteriosis, a food poisoning. It is widely found in […]
Leia mais3, dezembro 2019
Red December: all together in the fight against HIV
In December, the awareness ribbon is red. The month marks the fight against AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, known as STIs. In this fight, information is essential. In addition to knowing the disease and its forms of transmission, it is important to share information throughout the year, on how to prevent it and give […]
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