CHROMOENDOSCOPY Nowadays there is a great advance in diagnostic techniques in Gastroenterology. Among them, Chromoendoscopy stands out, a technique that consists in the application of dyes on the digestive mucosa to facilitate and improve the quality of diagnosis, and the staining of the mucosa also allows to visualize it in a more evident way, […]

Renylab’s Papanicolaou dyes manufactured with high quality raw materials, resulting in a clear and harmonic coloring. The Papanicolaou test, also known as Oncotic Colpocytology and Cervical Cytology, aims to perform the early diagnosis of lesions or cytological changes that can cause cervical cancer, being the main strategy for the early detection of these changes. […]
At a time when the new coronavirus pandemic continues to advance in Brazil and in the world, the need for massive tests to detect the disease and to know the true number of infected people is growing. An accurate and correct diagnosis is essential to propose any measure related to the prevention and prognosis of […]
RenyLab In Vitro Diagnostics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of Barbacena-MG, carried out massive tests of its employees for Covid-19 between 07 and 08 July 2020. The test was carried out through rapid serological tests, with the aim of prioritizing the well-being and safety of employees, as well as contributing to the control of pandemic rates […]